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    2024 Summer Youth Programs

    SUmmer youth Programs

    Summer youth Programs

    2024 summer youth Programs

    "A fine combination of professionalism and fun. The counselors knew just what was going to happen next and they communicated that to the kids very well. Even new (and maybe a little scary) activities wound up being fun because of the counselors' patience and enthusiasm."

    Our Youth Program offerings are a phenomenal way to UNPLUG your children and get them some much need PLAY TIME in the great outdoors!

    Canoe Kentucky not only offers a high quality program based around discovering the outdoors in new and exciting ways, and incorporating our passion for canoeing and kayaking in to all of that, but we provide the most professional people to support, teach and play with your children. Our professional Youth Programming Team is made up of former school teachers and environmental educators, and are all certified in teaching the topics covered through Project Learning Tree, Project WET and Project WILD, as well as other accrediting bodies. They all also undergo background checks and are certified in life saving skills like First Aid and CPR, as well as cooperating team members who hold EMT, WEMT, WFR, SWR and other certifications. 


    Wednesday Enlightening Trips

    Our 2024 WET (Wednesday Enlightening Trips) Program will be the best one we have offered yet! Please click below for details and for booking. We do highly recommend booking sooner than later as we do have a maximum capacity of 30 people in each program, and due to a lack of programs in the area, we do predict we will SELL OUT FAST!

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